Community Strategy for Mind Yeti

Community Strategy for Mind Yeti

Millions of adults are discovering the benefits of mindfulness for themselves. But can the principles of increased awareness, decreased judgement and staying present benefit kids? And if so, what role can adults play in fostering mindfulness with the kids they care about?

Mind Yeti is a new product, developed by the New Mission Ventures group at Committee for Children, that provides a powerful tool for adults who want to share mindfulness with kids. The user experience is designed to help kids be calm, focused, and more connected to others and the world. Launched in May 2016, Mind Yeti is ready to leave beta and start bringing mindfulness to more teachers, parents, practitioners and kids. 

Open Classroom Consulting is excited to lead the design, development and management of Mind Yeti's growing user community. Explore our work as it evolves over the next few months:

Product Marketing Microsites for Adobe

Product Marketing Microsites for Adobe

Online Teacher Training Workshops for Adobe

Online Teacher Training Workshops for Adobe